Photo Exhibition "Positive Energies" United Naitions Headquarters (2023) Full of Energy to Live
Fumio Nabata Private Exhibition June 12th (Mon) - 15th (Fri), 2023 United Nations Headquarters General Assembly Building 1B
Photo Exhibition ‘Positive Energies’ at the United Nations Photography by Fumio Nabata Organized by NPO Osaka US Club Co-organized by the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations Managed by Photo Exhibition Positive Energies Project Executive Committee Date: 12-16 June 2023 Venue: General Assembly Bldg. 1B Neck Exhibition Area in the United Nations Headquarters. Address: 406 E 42nd St, New York, United States Supported by Japan Down Syndrome Society Down’s Syndrome Association Down Syndrome South Africa
Japan Down Syndrome Society
Down’s Syndrome Association
Down Syndrome South Africa
The 3rd Photo Exhibition "Positive Energies" was held in conjunction with the 16th Session of The Conference of States Parties To The CRPD (COSP16) at the United Nations Headquarters (New York).
The "Positive Energies" photo exhibition at United Nations Headquarters showcased the positive energy of young children with Down syndrome and their families from around the world, captured by photographer Fumio Nabata. After two previous exhibitions in London and Tokyo, this was the third exhibition to be held on the occasion of the 16th Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP16) from 12 to 15 June. The project is based on Act 8 'Awareness-raising of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)' and aims to give people hope and eliminate prejudice against disability by presenting works with positive energy.
Many representatives from different countries and NGOs visited the exhibition in the exhibition hall near Conference Room 4 where COSP16 was held. Most of the visitors gave positive feedback that they were impressed. Representatives and NGOs from India, Mongolia and Namibia also asked us to come to their countries. The exhibition was shown in public galleries in London and Tokyo and was visited by many people. This time was particularly meaningful as the most of the visitors were involved in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and shared the same purpose as this project.
Download the UN photo exhibition catalog
Exhibition Visitors Feedback
Ms. jacqueline Aidenbaum / Conference Coordinator, United Nations ”Thank you for doing this.It is very important to have exhibitions like this because this has a lot of impact.I am the head of the disability division for all disabilities in Argentina. The JapaneseMission is also keenly aware f these issues, and if anything, I may contact you through the Japanese mission”
Ms. Ekaterine Lortkpanidze / Permanent Mission of Georgia to the UN
She kept ON saying ”these photos are amazing, they are beautiful, I am touched” It later turned out that she spread the word about the exhibition to a lot of the people from the UN.
Ms. Penandino Kandju /CEO Angelique Philander, Republic of Namibia National Disability of Namibia
“They are beautiful pictures. I adopted a girl with Down’s Syndrome and we work with children with disabilities. We also have something similar to the Positive Energies Project in Namibia. Please come to Namibia.”
Mr. Chris Rees / Policy Manager, Down’s Syndrome Association
It was very good to meet you (and your colleagues) ,Carol Boys (Chief Executive of the Down’s Syndrome Association) has also asked me to pass on the very best wishes from all of us in England.
Ms. Abigail Harris / Information Officer, Down’s Syndrome Association
“Theses photos are amazing. I’m really touched!Wow, you collaborated with Richard Bailey for the Positive Energies photo exhibition in London! That’s really amazing.
Mr. El Hammoumi Khalid / Head of Division, The Ministry of Family Solidarity Equality and Social Development of Morocco
“I love these pictures. They are beautiful. I’m touched. As the head of my organization, I am working on promoting inclusivity in my country. I just introduced it to my friends on SNS.”
Mr. Robin Tim Weis, M.Sc. / Director, International Affairs, Zero Project | The Essl Foundation
Thank you for your exhibition, which filled me with joy every day I got to walk past it. I would like to bring this work to the attention of my team.
Mr. Luc Lusumba / Secretary of Magical, Magical Self Advocacy’s mission, Congo
“All the pics are great! I love it. There are a lot of children with disabilities in my country. I would like to put our heads together and figure out ways to help them out.”
Ms. Ashleigh Keating / One of Australia's COSPrepresentatives
“All the pictures are beautiful. I have a strong passion for advocating for people with disabilities, and I really love what you do. I study Japanese in university and I am also very interested in how things work for people with disabilities in Japan”
Ms. Rylin Rodgers / Disability Policy Advisor, Microsoft Corporation
The lady with hearing impairment, who also works for Microsoft mentioned that the photos are beautiful, and that she works on accessibility for people with disabilities at her company.
Mr. Albert J. Hoffman/ President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
“Pictures speak louder than words and I am very pleased to have seen you Positive Energies exhibition and how you were able to capture the beauty and joy in those young faces. In my mother tongue we call the Down kids ‘Hemelkinders’ which means ‘Kids from Heaven’ because God’s nature is reflected in them. I wish you the very best with your good work and may you receive many blessings in doing so.”(Email text received at a later date) Ms. Chinguundari Navaan−Yunden / Permanent Mission Mongolia to the United Nations
“The photos are beautiful. We are having a side project in Mongolia in December for people with disabilities. This also includes children with Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a big issue in Mongolia as well. I will share your information with our NGO in Mongolia.”
Ms. Suzana Vrbova (Slovakian) / Coordinator of the United Nations
“I feel a lot of energy from each and every picture. They make me emotional when I’m normally not.”
Mr. Soud Jaidum / United Nations staff
“They are very nice photos. I have an older sister with Down syndrome but she passed away. Growing up with her, it was fun playing with her when she would swing me around as a kid. She was always laughing and smiling.”
Ms. Feda Abedelhady / Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations
“Thank you for doing this. I was really touched, and the messages are beautiful. I have a sister who advocates for people with disabilities. I work with refugees from my country, and amongst them are of course people with disabilities as well. I will recommend this exhibition to my colleages and tell them to come here.”
Mr. Rajeth Parihan/ Permanent Mission of India
”I was deeply touched by the pictures. They are beautiful. Because of people like you, the society has become more inclusive towards people with disabilities over time. It’s normal to have disabilities. They have emotions too and people are people. We can’t abandon them. I see the innocence of these children in each and every photo. Please come to Delhi and let’s keep in touch. “
Ms. Rasanjali Pathirage / Disabilities Organizations Joint Front, Sri Lanka
“We came back to see the pictures again. They are so beautiful.”
Mr. TAMON Hiroshi / lawyer, Candidate for the United Nations Commission on the CRPD
“I arrived to New York from Tokyo on Sunday. I have been visiting the UN headquarters every day where I've had the amazing chance to see the photo exhibition by Mr Nabata who also happened to be here today. They are just beautiful images. The exhibition shows photos of children with disabilities growing up with hope. Looking at these images I was reminded of the inspiring energy that all children have the capability to possess. I always feel empowered when I meet children that motivates my work as a chairperson of Meisei Gakuen educational institute for Deaf children. I have the incredible opportunity to invest in those children's lives and see them grow and flourish in their educational environment.”
Ms. Sara Rawshanara/ NYC office of the Mayor
”I work with people with disabilities at the Mayor’s Office. The photos are absolutely amazing and are an eye opener too. If you want to hold an exhibition open to the public, I know who you can talk to. I will give you my business card, so feel free to contact me any time.”
Photo Exhibition "Positive Energies" Tokyo(2021) Full of Energies to Live
Fumio Nabata ✖︎ Richard Bailly July 22 (Thu) - August 3 (Tue), 2021 Shibuya Hikarie 8/CUBE (Shibuya Tokyo)
Richard Bailey
Fumio Nabata
Photographer Fumio Nabata Living in Osaka. His work is bright and energetic, focusing on the theme of happiness and emotions that people experience with having their children and watching their growth. He has photographed children with Down syndrome in Myanmar, South Africa, the UK and in Japan. Living in Osaka, Japan. APA Award 2009, A Grand-prize, Minister of the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology winnerA member of the Japan Professional Photographers’ Society. HomePage
Photographer Richard Bailey Living in London. He himself has a child with Down syndrome. He served as a curator for the photography project "Shifting Perspectives", which was created by a group of people in the same position, centered on the Down’s Syndrome Association. After that, in 2014, it was held in Tokyo by the Japan Down Syndrome Society. Home Page
●Photo Exhibition "Positive Energies" Tokyo(2021) "Full of Energies to Live" July 22nd (Thu) - August 3rd (Tue) Shibuya Hikarie 8 "CUBE"「CUBE」
2-21-2 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
● Organizer: Photographic Exhibition "Positive Energies" Executive Committee ● Grants: The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
● Special sponsorship: KANAZAWA Shoko (Calligrapher) Shoko Kanazawa
● Sponsor: Zenchikyosai, Compact Disc & Video Rental Commerce Trade Association of Japan ● Special cooperation: Shifting Perspectives Project Shifting Perspectives
● Supported of the project Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Tokyo Metropolitan Government Shibuya City Special Olympics Nippon Foundation. Special Olympics Nippon
Japan Down Syndrome Society Down's Syndrome Association Myanmar Down Syndrome Association Down Syndrome South Africa The Photographic Society of Japan NPO Osaka US Club NPO Acceptances
“My perception of families with persons with Down syndrome has significantly changed.”
“I'm job hunting. I got guts looking at the people at work in the photos.” “I came to Japan from the United States one and a half year ago. Today, I happened to pass by and was caught in a picture of a smiling face. People like to have negative images of disabilities, but all in these photos are full of positivity which moved me to tears.”
“The phrase, ‘Overfull power to live’ (subtitle of ‘Positive Energies’) attracted and encouraged me to visit here. I am a survivor of breast cancer and suffering from whole-body alopecia. I was so depressed that I often imagined it would be easier for me to disappear. The ‘Power to live’ sounds a hope to me. I am slowly starting to do what I can and would value my life that has been saved. These photos cheer me up and fill me with courage. Thank you.”
“As a caretaker of post-baby mothers and children in hospital, I have seen many people who have children with Down syndrome experiencing difficulties and anxieties. Now that I am very touched by happy smile of these children and families in photos, I will try to share such positive messages with those mothers and families.” “I received a strong message that anyone should be respected as he/she really is, despite any disabilities.”
“My child is with Down syndrome. I love him very much. As I impressed by the children with Down syndrome in the other countries, I like to let him see more of the world. Thank you for these pretty photos. I will raise my child with love and good care.”
“A person of my family is with disabilities. I believe that such beautiful photos could encourage the families who are in challenging times to stand together to positively cope with difficulties.”
“My brother is with Down syndrome. This is an amazing exhibition particularly focused on Down syndrome. In the photos I found many people with Down syndrome in various countries. My brother is not able to speak well nor to do a lot by himself. I felt at ease to learn that there are the same types of people in other countries. “(8 years old)
“The photos were full of beautiful eyes and smiles so that my heart was filled with a sense of love. Children with Down syndrome have a special charm. I am thankful for bringing out their beauty to the full. What they are born with is a gift, whereas they appear challenging. Their positive mind inspired me to bring up my daughter after these beautiful children.”
Fumio Nabata Richard Bailey Fiona Yaron-Field May 16 (Wed) - 21 (Mon), 2018 Gallery Oxo (Southbank London)
●"Positive Energies" Exhibition2018 Fumio Nabata, Richard Bailey, Fiona Yaron-Fieald 16th to 21st May 2018 Oxo Gallery in Southbank, London
Exhibition Postar
●Organizer: Fumio Nabata Photographic Office ●Special Cooperation: Shifting Perspectives Project ●Grant: The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
●Sponsored: NPO Osaka US Club ●Supported of the project Embassy of Japan in the UK The Japan Society in the UK Japan Down Syndrome Society Down's Syndrome Association Myanmar Down Syndrome Association Down Syndrome South Africa Smart Inclusion Innovation Consortium
Japan Down Syndrome Society
●A Recommendation Letter
We have received a recommendation letter from Mrs. Akie Abe for our photo exhibition "Positive Energies" to be held in London. She is First Lady of Japan.
Scenery of the venue
Exhibition Visitors Feedback
"What inspiring and poetic pictures of beautiful humans."
"Moving and original photographs. Those photographed are absolutely beautifully captured!"
"Beautiful photographs. In the states I have worked with children and adults who have Down Syndrome. What a beautiful exhibit to come upon here!" "It’s the first time I cried at an exhibition."
"Looking at those children’s smiles made me smile."
"I saw the panel saying “Positive Energies” and it was about disabilities so I had to go in. The photos are full of energy and joy. (Woman in a wheelchair)"
"I was really surprised that he went to Myanmar asit has so many problems. It was nice to see that children with Down’s syndrome are given opportunities there. The photos are full of happiness and I believe that’s why he’s called the exhibition “Positive Energies” but it really is full of positive energy."
"I felt the power of photographic representation. You usually see images of depressing and sad nature around disabilities but in these photos, there is positivity and warmth. I liked the scale of the photographs and how he’s presented the photographs unframed. It removes the distance from the viewer and gives intimacy to the subjects. It was also nice to read and see how he has worked on his project. I could see that he is willing to share the process whereas some other photographers tend to keep it to themselves."
"I empathized with what Fumio’s written, “the part he said he only felt sorry for people with Down’s syndrome at first and then realized what joy they have.” People with Down’s syndrome express their feelings with honesty without filter. That’s why you can feel their happiness coming through directly."
"I had been told that I have 20% chance of having a baby with Down’s syndrome and I am currently waiting for the results of the blood test. Although I was pretty sure that I would have my child no matter what, coming across this exhibition by chance felt like a sign to me that my thinking was not wrong."
Related Events
●Symposium hosted by Japan Society (London)
Positive Energies: Social inclusion of children with disabilities.A talk with parents, teachers and photographers.
The event on 17 May 2018, 6.30 pm, at the Swedenborg Society, will include speakers from a range of backgrounds and will provide an opportunity to explore attitudes and perspectives on Down’s and other children with disability, in Japan and the UK.
●The Panel Discussions hosted by Osaka US Club (Osaka)
"The Photo Exhibition "Positive Energies" Pre-event ~Toward the Society where to live together~“ Date & Time: 18th, Feb, 2018 1:30 p.m. ~ Venue: Abeno-City Citizen Learning Centre